How to clean Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine?

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine

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We know you enjoy using your Mr. Coffee espresso machine, but do you clean it during your routine clean-up activities? While one may say that they wipe them with a cloth, there is certainly more that you need to do! Cleaning your Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine from the outside is undoubtedly essential, but you also need to clean it from the inside.

Use vinegar and a damp cloth to clean Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine. Vinegar is used to remove limescale from the internal components, while the wet cloth is used to clean the machine’s outer surface. People using hard water need to clean the machine more often.

Why is Cleaning Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine Important?

Cleaning your Mr. Coffee Machine is very important because a dirty coffee machine can adversely affect your health. Also, if you don’t regularly maintain and clean your Mr.Coffee espresso maker, it will not perform the same way it did while it was new. Regular maintenance is the key to elongating your appliance’s lifetime.

According to RealTime Labs, a coffee maker with mold in it can cause the production of mycotoxins. The mold is not the real problem, but the mycotoxins that mold-spores produce can lead to multiple diseases like liver cancer, dopamine depletion, and even brain damage.

Mild consumption is not a problem, but if you don’t clean your Mr. Coffee machine, the chances of mycotoxins staying are high which can lead to serious health problems. Even the company itself recommends cleaning and descaling after 50-80 brew cycles.

Some people also prepare coffee with espresso machine which is why cleaning the coffee maker becomes even more important.

How to Clean Mr. Coffee Espresso Maker?

Cleaning your Mr. Coffee espresso maker involves two steps: cleaning and descaling. Certain models of the Mr. Coffee espresso machines are very easy to clean because they have a removable water reservoir.

The Mr. Coffee Automatic Dual Pump, the Mr. Coffee Easy Maker, and the Mr. Coffee Steam Espresso Maker have removable reservoirs so you will not have to carry the machines to the sink. The Mr. Coffee Easy Espresso maker even has a removable milk frother so you can detach it and clean it thoroughly.

We use a damp cloth to clean the machine’s exterior. During descaling, we clean up mineral build-up inside the espresso machine.

Below are the steps to clean Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine.

How to Clean the Outer Part of Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine?

Before you start removing the components of the Mr. Coffee machine, make sure that the machine has cooled down. If you made coffee in it a few minutes ago, then wait for 20-30 minutes for the device to cool completely. Waiting also helps to release the pressure from the machine.


  • Damp microfiber cloth.
  • Toothpick or needle.


In just 5 simple steps, you can easily clean Mr. Coffee Espresso machine’s outer part. 

Step 1

Turn the machine off. Unplug it from the power supply. Remove the frothing machine and clean it using a damp cloth. Wipe it thoroughly. For cleaning the narrow spaces, you can use a toothpick.

Step 2

Remove the drip tray, brew basket, filter, and carafe. Wash these removable components in the sink with soapy water. These components are safe to wash with soap and water. Put them on a dish drying rack.

Step 3

Remove the reservoir lid. In case of a non-removable reservoir, take the appliance to the sink and empty the water reservoir by turning it upside down. Be careful here and don’t let the machine come in contact with a lot of water.

Step 4

Wipe the exterior of the Mr. Coffee espresso maker with a wet cloth. Do not use any harsh alkaline cleaners because they can damage the stainless steel and plastic finishing.

Step 5

Wait for the removable components to dry completely before inserting them into the machine. You can now run the espresso machine as usual.

Clean mr. coffee espresso maker


How To Descale Mr. Coffee Espresso Maker with Vinegar?

We can descale the Mr. Coffee Espresso machine using white vinegar. The process is super easy and will help you get rid of any calcium and magnesium deposits in your espresso machine.



Descaling mr. coffee espresso maker takes just 15 minutes. Follow these steps!

Step 1

We have to descale the water reservoir overnight. Turn off the machine and unplug it. Fill the water reservoir with eight ounces / one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar remain in the reservoir overnight.

Step 2

In the morning, remove the vinegar from the machine and rinse the reservoir with water.  Now, it is time to clean the internal components. Pour the remaining 2 cups of vinegar into the reservoir. Put the lid on the water reservoir tightly. Insert the filter and put the carafe under the dispenser. Also, make sure the drip tray is installed.

Step 3

Plug in the machine and turn it on. Turn the control knob to start brewing. Vinegar will start to pour into the carafe. When all the vinegar flows into the carafe, turn off the machine.

Step 4

Place a cup of cold water under the frother. Put the frothing tube into the cold water and turn it on. After 5-10 minutes of frothing, turn off the frother. Now the frother is clean.

Step 5

You should then add fresh water into the reservoir. Repeat step 4 to step 9 with the water now. When you are sure that all the vinegar has been washed away, turn off the machine. Remember to let the machine cool between rinsing cycles.

Keep in mind that you can follow the same process with a specific coffee maker cleaner instead of vinegar. We recommend the Brew Rite Coffee Maker Cleaner which costs only $10.78 and works like a wonder for espresso machines as well. 

How Often Should I Descale Mr. Coffee Espresso Maker?

The cleaning intervals depend on the hardness of your water. Hard water has a high mineral content and is found mainly in groundwater. In contrast, soft water does not contain dissolved minerals. 

If you have hard water, you should descale your machine after every 40 brew cycles. People using soft water need to descale the Mr. Coffee espresso maker after every 80 brew cycles. This is because hard water contains minerals, and these minerals get deposited on the boilers and water reservoirs of your coffee machine forming a white chalky deposit. Hence, you will need to frequently descale it.

How Do I Know If I Have Hard Water?

The hardness of water is measured in milligram per liter (mg/L) or degree of hardness (DH). The following table summarizes it.

Classification Of Water By Degree of Mineral Content And Hardness Level
Type Of WaterHardness Level (Mg/L)Hardness Level (DH)
Soft water0-600.3-3
Moderately Hard Water61-1203.72-6.75
Hard Water121-1808.78-10
Very Hard Water181 and above10 and above

You can test the hardness using water hardness strips. There are different kinds of strips available, and they are an effortless way of telling you how hard your water is.

Can Hard Water Damage Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine?

The minerals (calcium and magnesium, mainly) in hard water can clog the coffee maker and hence damage it if not descaled. Regular descaling is an essential part of machine maintenance and will increase your Mr. Coffee espresso maker’s life span. Apart from the damage to the machine, excess mineral deposits from hard water can affect your coffee’s taste.

Safety Tips To Clean Your Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine

Cleaning involves removing the machine’s components and involves handling electricity cables. Follow the steps to remain safe while cleaning the Mr. Coffee Espresso machine.

  1. Always ensure that the machine is turned off when wiping it with a wet cloth and removing the components.
  2. If your Mr. Coffee Espresso Maker does not have a removable reservoir, make sure your machine is unplugged before taking it to the sink to empty the reservoir. Yanking the plug out could be disastrous.
  3. We instructed you to wash some of the components in a sink with soap in the above steps. Ensure that all those components are completely dry before you reinsert them into the machine.
  4. Wait for the machine to cool down before removing the components. A machine that was used just minutes ago can be scorching and will have pressure accumulated inside it. It is crucial to let it cool down else you might get severe burns.
  5. Do not immerse the machine in water. Only wash the specified components with water and soap.
Preparing Espresso.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: What can I do to clean my espresso machine thoroughly?

Answer: You can use toothpick, damp cloth, and vinegar to clean your espresso machine thoroughly. Follow our easy guide to make sure you clean the espresso machine without damaging it.

Question: Can you clean a coffee maker without vinegar?

Answer: There are 6 different items to clean a coffee maker without vinegar which include bleach, baking soda, cream of tartar, lemon juice, mixture of salt and ice, and Hydrogen Peroxide. Follow our step-by-step guide on cleaning a coffee maker without vinegar to find out more.

Question: How frequently should I clean my coffee maker?

Answer: You should clean your coffee maker after every 40 cycles if you use hard water. In case you use soft water, you can clean the coffee machine after every 80 cycles.  


Cleaning a Mr. Coffee espresso maker is simple. Most of the work is done by the machine itself! Remember that your machine will only work properly if you clean and descale it regularly. Your health and your espresso machine’s components are very important, so keep cleaning it regularly and stay healthy!

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