Why Add Baking Soda To Coffee?

Why Add Baking Soda To Coffee? 8 Key Reasons

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Starting my day with a steaming cup of coffee is a personal ritual. However, the acidity of coffee, (around pH 5), often caused discomfort for my sensitive stomach—leading to heartburn and irritation. Thankfully, I found a simple solution in my kitchen pantry: baking soda. Adding a pinch to my coffee not only reduces acidity but also enhances the flavor. In this article, I’ll share why I started using baking soda in my coffee, its benefits, and tips on using it effectively.

Why Add Baking Soda To Coffee?

Adding baking soda to coffee can reduce its acidity, making it smoother and milder. This is especially beneficial for individuals with sensitive stomachs who find high-acid beverages uncomfortable. Plus, baking soda has remarkable qualities as a chemical which is why it can be used to improve the taste and aroma of your coffee.

It excels at absorbing odors, making it an ideal choice for combating unpleasant smells in enclosed spaces like refrigerators and freezers.

Additionally, its cleaning properties simplify arduous tasks such as scrubbing pots and pans or clearing clogged drains.

Let’s learn more about the importance of adding baking soda to your coffee routine.

1. To Balance the pH of Coffee

pH Scale

In the world of chemistry, the balance between acidic and alkaline properties is determined by the proportions of different subatomic particles. I was curious about the chemistry behind acidity and alkalinity, so I looked into it. Baking soda, with a pH of 8, is on the safe, alkaline side. While it is alkaline, it is not strongly so; for comparison, bleach has a pH of 11 to 13, making it significantly more dangerous for contact with the skin or internal organs.

Coffee, on the other hand, leans towards the acidic side. With a pH ranging from 4.85 to 5.10, it may not be as potent as the acids found in the stomach or industrial substances, but it can still have noticeable effects, particularly for individuals sensitive to acidic foods and beverages.

Adding a bit of baking soda to my coffee helped balance its pH, making it less acidic and more neutral. This not only improved the taste but also seemed to help with things like gum problems. It was a simple discovery that made a difference for me.

2. To Elevate the Flavor of Budget-Friendly Coffee

Coffee with a $5 note

Inexpensive coffee often carries a stronger bitter taste compared to its higher-quality counterparts, primarily due to the use of lower-grade coffee beans. While there are several ways to lessen this bitterness, such as using filtered water, adding milk, altering the brew time, or adding sweeteners and spices, baking soda is a quicker and more affordable option.

Your cup of inexpensive coffee will taste much better if you add baking soda to it. The capacity to neutralize acids is one of its main benefits. Baking soda gives coffee a smoother taste and lowers its acidity improving the overall taste. Additionally, baking soda has the amazing capacity to change the bitter taste receptors on our tongues as medically reviewed by Colgate Global Scientific Communications.

As a result, the bitterness of the coffee is diminished and its natural, sweeter flavors are more clearly perceived.

3. To Lowers Uric Acid Levels

Gout, a kind of arthritis marked by the accumulation of crystals in the joints, is relieved for sufferers by adding baking soda to coffee. People who have gout often have high blood levels of uric acid. This causes excruciating pain, edema, and inflammation.

The alkaline nature of baking soda, scientifically known as sodium bicarbonate, can help lower uric acid levels. Research published in the journal “Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism” indicates that oral sodium bicarbonate can regulate urine pH and reduce the formation of uric acid crystals in the urine.

You might notice some relief from gout symptoms if you add baking soda to your everyday cup of coffee.

4. Better Flavor with Low Cost!

Baking soda

Adding baking soda to coffee offers a cost-effective solution to the problem of poor taste of coffee. With prices ranging from $0.75 to $3 for a 1lb box, baking soda is an affordable ingredient. If you only use baking soda for your coffee, it’s advisable to opt for smaller packages or individual baking soda packets to avoid waste.

Furthermore, the addition of baking soda to coffee doesn’t contribute to an increase in caloric content. Unlike sugar, flavored creamers, caramel, or chocolate, baking soda does not introduce extra calories to your favorite brew. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a healthier lifestyle without compromising on the taste of their beloved cup of joe.

5. To Improve Heartburn and GERD Symptoms

Coffee with a red heart

For those who have heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), adding baking soda to coffee can be very helpful. Healthcare professionals often suggest incorporating a small amount of baking soda into the water to alleviate heartburn symptoms, and the same principle applies to coffee.

Sodium bicarbonate, the active component in baking soda, possesses strong acid-neutralizing properties. Pharmaceutical manufacturers use it in over-the-counter effervescent tablets designed to alleviate stomach aches and high acidity levels.

Fortunately, you don’t need to visit a store to experience these benefits. By adding a pinch or two of baking soda to your coffee, you can potentially reduce or even eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn and acidity.

6. To Relief from Stomach Aches

For individuals with sensitive digestive systems, consuming coffee often leads to unpleasant stomach aches. This is especially true for those who have existing digestive issues, as even a small shot of espresso can trigger significant discomfort.

Fortunately, adding baking soda to your coffee is a simple solution to alleviate this problem. By doing this, you can find relief from stomach aches and enjoy your coffee without discomfort. The effectiveness of baking soda lies in its inherent properties, which work to soothe the stomach against the impact of acidic agents, providing timely relief.

When you experience a stomach ache after consuming coffee, the alkaline nature of baking soda can help neutralize the excess acidity, calming the stomach and reducing discomfort. By adding just a tiny amount of baking soda to your cup of coffee, you can make a significant difference in how your stomach responds to the beverage.

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7. To Fight Acid Reflux

Baking soda’s potential to prevent acid reflux is yet another convincing reason to give it a try in your coffee. The consumption of hot coffee by those with stomach ulcers may cause gastrointestinal pain and discomfort, even though coffee is not a direct cause of stomach ulcers. Coffee’s inherent acidity may make these symptoms worse, making it difficult for ulcer patients to enjoy their favorite beverage.

You may immediately neutralize the acidity in your brewed coffee by mixing a small bit of baking soda into it. Additionally, by lowering the entire levels of stomach acidity, this supplement lessens the gastrointestinal discomfort brought on by stomach ulcers. As a result, those who have ulcers can still enjoy their favorite caffeinated beverage without having worsened symptoms.

Reducing coffee acidity is particularly beneficial for those who favor lighter roasts, which tend to be more acidic compared to darker roasts due to roasting time and temperature as per reported by Harvard University. Longer, hotter roasts lower acidity, while lighter roasts at lower temperatures increase acidity and caffeine content.

Adding baking soda to coffee effectively neutralizes the heightened acidity of lighter roasts, making it easier for individuals with acid reflux problems to consume. This straightforward modification enables coffee lovers to persist in enjoying their preferred brew while minimizing discomfort.

8. To Support Weight Loss

Coffee on a weighing scale | showing how baking soda to coffee results in weight loss

One factor to consider is the sodium content of baking soda. It contains a high amount of sodium, and excessive sodium intake can lead to issues such as water retention, bloating, and high blood pressure. If you are following a low-sodium diet or have any health concerns, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before adding baking soda to your coffee.

Additionally, it is worth noting that limited research is available on the specific effects of adding baking soda to coffee for weight loss. Further studies are needed to gain a better understanding of its potential benefits in this regard.


To make it simple for you guys, I’ve summarized all the key benefits of adding baking soda in coffee in this table. Hope this helps!

Benefits of Baking Soda for CoffeeDescription
Reduced Acidity
Balances coffee’s pH, making it less acidic, resulting in a smoother and milder taste.
Enhanced Flavor
Improves the overall taste of coffee by neutralizing bitterness and allowing sweeter flavors to emerge.
Alleviates Gout Symptoms
The alkaline nature of baking soda may help lower uric acid levels, providing relief from gout symptoms.
Cost-Effective Solution
Affordable option to improve the taste of budget-friendly coffee without adding extra calories.
Relief from Stomach Aches
Soothes the stomach against the impact of acidity, offering relief from discomfort caused by coffee consumption.
Aids in Heartburn and GERD
Acts as an acid-neutralizing agent, potentially reducing symptoms of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Combats Acid Reflux
Neutralizes acidity in coffee, making it more suitable for individuals with acid reflux problems.
Supports Weight Loss
Limited evidence suggests potential benefits, but caution is advised due to baking soda’s high sodium content.

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Adding baking soda to coffee offers various benefits, from reducing acidity and enhancing flavor to alleviating stomach issues, heartburn, and gout symptoms. It’s a cost-effective solution, especially for improving the taste of budget-friendly coffee. However, moderation is key due to baking soda’s sodium content. While it may not be suitable for everyone, those with specific health concerns can consult a healthcare professional.

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